Friday, October 08, 2010

Another Homme Gurl With u♥

       No Woman No Cry With Priceless Fashion

Born : Levi's Women Jacket
Beauty Or Beast :Unisex but More too Feminin
Buck : RM 25.00

Born : Bossini Ladies Codroy Jeans
Beauty Or Beast :Feminin 30 Size
Buck : RM 25.00

More Than Words

Code : K 1 Grey Black
Male - M Size
RM 40.00

Code : K 2 Brown Red
Male - M Size
RM 40.00

Code : Ali Setan 1 White Vs Black
Unisex - Free Size
RM 35.00

Code : Ali Setan 2  White Vs Purple
Unisex - Free Size
RM 35.00

Code : Ali Setan 3 White Vs Light Blue Sea
Unisex - Free Size
RM 35.00

Lolipop On The WALL

Code : L 1

Code : L2

Code : L3

Code : L4

Code : L5

Code : L 6

    RM 35.00
         Free Size - 100 % Cotton - Unisex


Walk Around Without U

Born : PVC Classic Shoe
Beauty Or Beast :Male 41 Size
Buck : RM 30.00

Born : Adidas Bacin
Beauty Or Beast :Unisex 41 Size
Buck : RM 15.00

Born : Adddo Vintage Shoes
Beauty Or Beast :Unisex 40 Size
Buck : RM 50.00

eHealth Article

Easy Weight Loss Plan a Weight Loss Plan for Success

The formula for losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. But, it's not really all that simple, is it? Long-term weight loss isn't impossible, but you do have to be committed. Having a weight loss plan for your success is a good start. Here are ten items that should go into your weight loss plan.
1. Eat breakfast. This keeps you from getting too hungry later and then losing control over what you choose to eat later in the day.

2. Stock your refrigerator and pantry with healthy foods and snacks and limit high-fat, high-salt snacks such as potato chips and cookies.

3. Fill up on Fiber. Eat foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The fibers in these foods will fill you up leaving less room for unhealthy choices.

4. Don't fall into bad habits on weekends. Many people will follow a strict diet on weekends only to fall back into eating more (unhealthy) on the weekends as a reward for "being good" all week. Unfortunately, this can cause you to regain the weight you may have lost during the week.

5. Watch portion sizes. Your perception of what a serving size should be and a "true" serving size can differ dramatically. Measure your portions accurately, especially when you first start your healthy eating regime.

6. Set lifestyle goals - not weight loss goals. Commitment to eating healthy foods does lead to healthy weight loss -- gradually. Looking at your weight daily can cause discouragement and will make many people give up and go back to unhealthy food choices.

7. Take healthy snacks with you when you take road trips. Grab healthy granola bars, bananas, apples and other fruit to prevent the tempation of stopping for a cancy bar or milk shake.

8. Don't deny yourself the foods you love. If you absolutely love chocolate, go ahead and have a small pice - half of a candy bar insteaad of a whole one! And avoid eating your "splurges" every day. Save them for when you really need them!

9. Start moving. Exercise is the key to long term weight loss. You've heard the saying, "Move it or lose it." Too true!

10. Keep a journal. Writing down what you eat, when and how much you exercise and your moods will keep you on track and motivated to continue the course. Weight loss is achieved by both diet and exercise. It is also achieved by persistence. If you "fall off the wagon" one day, pick yourself up and continue your healthy lifestyle the next. Don't give up!

aBsoLuTeLy aLoNe


Born : Rodenstock 80's Retro Sunglasses
Beauty Or Beast : Unisex
Buck : RM 80.00

Born : J'Bon Hats
Beauty Or Beast : Unisex
Buck : RM 15.00

Born : Santa Cruz Skate Cap
Beauty Or Beast : Male
Buck : RM 50.00

Born : GB (Dolce & Gabana) Black Belt & Hermes Blue Belt
Beauty Or Beast : Unisex
Buck : RM 15.00

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Lovi'n Lady gagaK

Born : PUMA Pink Panther
Beauty Or Beast :Unisex Medium Size
Buck : RM 20.00

Born : Jeans LEE Blue Codroy Belt Bottom
Beauty Or Beast : Male 32'
Buck : RM 35.00

Born : Quicksilver Surfing Pants
Beauty Or Beast : Male Medium Size
Buck : RM 20.00


Born : Alex Cross
Beauty Or Beast : Male 33 Size
Buck : RM 20.00

"Vintage Always In Fashion"

Monday, October 04, 2010

eKay GeletekKamu© Fest 2010

Code : Cap Ayam LV Mirror
                    RM 35.00

Code : Cap Ayam Spect Plastic Or Besi 
From No Brand To International Brand

RM 15.00

eKay GeletekKamu© will lead the busy consumer's life to the latest Fashion Trend......

WNP Sling Bag Multi Task On d' Road

Code : Monogram Star Wars

Code : Twinkle Little Star

Code : My Wife Is Army

Code : Rambo Never Die

RM 35.00 ONLY!!!
Tinggi : 10.3 Cm
Lebar : 20.6 Cm

WNP - Wearing Never Prejudice